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Sauna Terms of Use

If you are making this booking on behalf of a group, it is your responsibility to make all users aware of the terms and conditions and to practice safe sauna use


Alcohol, nudity and smoking are not permitted in the sauna or at the wild spa

All persons using the sauna do so at their own risk. If you have any reservations regarding sauna use, such as (but not limited to) medical conditions, underlying health problems, the use of prescription drugs or pregnancy, it is essential that you seek medical advice prior to booking the sauna


Exposure to hot equipment, slippery surfaces, hot & cold temperatures is done so at your own risk


All belongings are left at your own risk


All persons using the ice bath, sea or river as a ‘cold plunge’ do so at their own risk. It is your own responsibility to ensure that you are a capable swimmer and can handle being exposed to the cold temperatures and currents of the sea

Anyone under the age of 16 is not permitted to use the sauna

The Sauna Box operators reserve the right to refuse admission to intoxicated persons or for other reasons that may be deemed a health and safety risk. Refunds will not be offered to anyone refused admission


Jewellery should be removed before entering the sauna to prevent burning

Sauna etiquette must be adhered to at all times. This includes;


Arrive having recently showered

Sauna sessions of no longer than 20 min at a time (we recommend 5-15 min sessions)

Following operators’ instructions on how to pour water onto hot rocks

Only pouring the provided ‘sauna water’ on hot rocks and nothing else

Entering and exiting sauna in a safe manner

Keeping access points clear to allow other users to exit safely 

Remove shoes prior to entering the sauna and ensure feet are clean

Not touching any part of the stove

Sitting on a towel within the sauna


Behaving in a respectful way to all other bathers


Rinsing prior to using the cold plunge baths

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